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Community Guidelines

Our community is a place where creativity, innovation and mutual respect are encouraged. are encouraged. In order to create a positive and inspiring environment, we ask all users to the following guidelines

If you find content that violates this policy, please report it to [email protected] or via the reporting function on the platform ("Drawlie").

If you violate these guidelines, your account may be temporarily or permanently suspended. Drawlie reserves the right to remove content and take appropriate action. take appropriate action.

Copyright and plagiarism

All content that you publish must have been created by you and must not infringe the intellectual property of others. intellectual property of others.

Re-interpretations, remixes or fanart of content are allowed as long as it is made clear that it is a modified version and the original authors are correctly credited. are correctly credited.

Appropriate content

Our goal is to provide a safe place for our users, which is why we have specific guidelines for content, including guidelines for the type of works. Although art is diverse and subjective, there are certain types of content that we do not allow. This includes, but is not limited to the following content, among others:

Suggestive, erotic, sexual or violent (not extreme) content is permitted, provided it is are labeled.

AI generated content is not allowed to be published on Drawlie.

If you upload inappropriate content to Drawlie, it may be removed by Drawlie. Drawlie has the final say on whether content is appropriate or not.

Respect and courtesy

To ensure the safety of our users and maintain the quality of the platform, certain behaviors are certain behaviors are not allowed. These include

External links

External links to questionable websites or content such as spam, malware or fraudulent content are strictly prohibited. If you want to share a relevant external link, make sure that it is trustworthy.

Constructive feedback

Formulate only constructive feedback on Drawlie, be specific, respectful & helpful.

By providing constructive feedback, you can help others to better realize their potential and develop their skills.

Last update 07.07.2024